Future Search differs from other models for conference-based strategic, organizational learning,
and vision-building

The whole system participates — a cross section of as many interested stakeholders as is practical. That means more diversity and less hierarchy than is usual in a working meeting, and a chance for each person to be heard and to learn other ways of looking at the task at hand.

Future scenarios — for an organization, community or issue — are put into historical and global perspective. That means thinking globally together before acting locally. This feature enhances shared understanding and greater commitment to act. It also increases range of potential actions.

People self-manage their work, and use dialogue — not problem-solving as their main tool. That means helping each other do the tasks and taking responsibility for individual perceptions and actions.

Common ground rather than conflict management is the frame of reference. That means honoring our differences rather than having to reconcile them.

A Future Search conference is by design experiential, collaborative, constructive, and focused on building a foundation for positive, practical change.

Catalyst Consulting Group facilitates Future Search for companies, schools and universities, cities, and non-profit organizations.

A future search is a large group planning meeting that brings a ‘whole system’ into the room to work on a task-focused agenda…. In a future search, people have a chance to take ownership of their past, present, and future, confirm their mutual values, and commit to action plans grounded in reality.


Marvin Weisbord

Co-Developer, Future Search

Future Search

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fill out the form on the right.
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Facilitating Future Search is one of my favorite things to do. It’s a ton of work, yet the payoff is always weighty! I get to put my road team together, including one of the world’s best graphic facilitators. Then I have the privilege of witnessing people working together at the highest level of their natural intelligence, creativity, and humanity.


Leslie Yerkes

President, Catalyst Consulting Group

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Our goal is to exceed your expectations. In the unlikely event you feel that the gains are not commensurate with the time and resources expended, we will continue the project at no further cost until you are completely satisfied. We offer this guarantee because we don’t want you to worry about our work when you have real issues with which to contend.