Leading-edge organizations have discovered that fun, both as a value in the corporate culture and an asset of behaviors in daily practice, can translate into bottom-line success. By harnessing the power of fun, companies find they can better retain employees and customers, motivate teams, improve productivity, increase innovation, and create a sense of community.
Fun Works details precisely how eleven successful companies — including Southwest Airlines, Pike Place Fish, Isle of Capri Casinos, Employease, and Prudential — have integrated fun into the normal course of business, and shows how this has translated into improved results across the board. Drawing on these success stories, Fun Works illustrates the eleven principles of the Fun/Work Fusion™. From capitalizing on the spontaneous to hiring good people and getting out of their way, these principles will inspire you to inject a sense of playfulness and joy into your workday.
Disposing of the myth that fun and work are mutually exclusive, Fun Works will motivate you to unleash the power of fun in your workplace. Fun Works shares real-life examples, strategies, ideas, resources, tools, tips, and techniques that will help any company in any industry become a place where people love to work.
Fun Works offers tips, examples, and motivation to help readers, their coworkers, and their customers unleash the power of fun in the workplace.