Order “Your Forever Dog” and “Lost, Found, and Forever” ►

o My goal in life is to be as good a person as my dogs already think I am.
Leslie Yerkes is a best-selling author with six books translated into dozens of languages and world-wide sales. She is co-author of the best-selling 301 Ways to Have Fun at Work (Berrett-Koehler); Beans: Four Principles for Running a Business in Good Times or Bad (Jossey-Bass); and They Just Don’t Get It: Changing Resistance Into Understanding (Berrett-Koehler) (Winner of a MarCom Award for Design). She is the author of Fun Works: Creating Places Where People Love to Work, Editions 1 & 2 (Berrett-Koehler); and Beyond Kicks & Carrots: Motivation for the 21st Century (Norma Sustenere Publishers.)
Recently, she has added three real-life dog rescue adventure books to her stable.
“Lost, Found, and Forever: When you make promise, keep it” “Your Forever Dog: How it feels when someone loves you.” “You Left Your Pawprints on My Heart: A dog’s home is in your heart”
As a consultant, author, thought leader, and keynote speaker, Leslie is all about deep change. Her perspective on culture and leadership is complex but practical, sophisticated, and deeply humane. Her focus is on optimally building business success by appreciating and supporting the strengths of the people and culture which make up the human core of the organization.
What to do when getting it
becomes a tug of war.
Leslie is writing again!
For the last several years, writing has taken a back seat to my other projects and commitments. Then I started doing bi-weekly blogs and your response was marvelous. Then came the Covid19 Pandemic and the words started flowing.
Lost, Found, and Forever
This is the tale of Beej, a young girl who went looking for her neighbor’s lost dog, Coco, so she could bring her home where she’d be safe. This is the story of her hunt, what happened along the way, who she found, and what she learned . . . (more)
Life Lessons from a
Junkyard Dog
I am a fixer. I was born into a family that needed fixing. I have tried valiently to fix every man with whom I have had a relationship. I chose a career where fixing is valued For me, fixing is everything . . . (more)
Camp Betsi
Taking Care of Mom
What started with a rescue to fulfill my mother’s deepest desire to die in a home setting – ended in a friendship. We shared respect, trust, and intimacy, complete transparency in all decisions, love and a ton of try . . . (more)
Words of Praise for "Your Forever Dog"

“The glorious art and words take the reader down a path of forgiveness, healing, and trust-building. And, in the process, the experience of unconditional love.
“What a gift! What a lesson! And the soulful eyes of Big Boy reach out and touch me at my core.”
— Charlotte Rerko