When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news my mother would say to me,
“Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
— Mister Rogers
Each of us needs to decide who we will be when facing a crisis.
I tend to stay really calm in a crisis. I think it is a lifetime of practice ‘waiting for the other shoe to drop’ in a fractured family.
As I made my way to several appointments yesterday and to run errands that included buying groceries for shut in neighbors, I found myself thanking the individuals restocking the shelves. They paused and appreciated the acknowledgement — they are working in people-packed places to be in service of the community. They should be acknowledged.
I traded jokes with the other customers standing in line at the hardware store. A gentleman acknowledged that he would be heading to the liquor store next as vodka was a higher priority than toilet paper. I confessed to everyone that I had made a special run to ‘Mitchells’ ice cream for three pints. This started a conversation about favorite ice cream flavors. We all left laughing.
Instead of the exuberant hugs that I usually offer I am using my eyes and smiling to communicate. It is a time of looking up and making connections and offering help.
I will be sharing my big house with a college student who is misplaced and having meals with my neighbors.
It is the time to check in (by phone) with your friends and family.
My way through crisis is to stay calm, use my common sense, stay informed, and be observant. Singing, dancing, and dog walks on the beach are essential.
I am going to channel my Mary Poppins way of being with a little dose of Mr. Rogers. I won’t forget the luck of the Irish either!
How are you coping with the uncertainty?
“Replace fear with love and you discover your personal power.’
— Leslie Yerkes
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