Step Six: Look for the Humor in the Situation
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
Instead of rules, restrictions and limitations, we need to inspire others by giving them permission to bring the best of their whole selves to work each and every day. Trust others to find the right balance between their work and their play. When you strike the right chord, it makes for an inviting environment that everyone wants to join and working relationships that support great work. Here are some of my favorite ideas:
- “I love nicknames.” Said Sports Journalist Michael Galdysz. “ I tend to charge through obstacles so I began to refer to myself as The Gladiator. When Robbie, an intern, who loves seafood, got sunburned, we decided he would be The Robster. Today, nearly everyone in the office has a nickname they are proud of and our graphic designer has created an appropriate avatar for everyone based on their nickname. It made us all feel like we are a stronger part of the team.”
- Not all fun has to be jokes and parties. Many organizations work on projects for non-profits. They build and paint houses, feed families, participate in fun runs that raise money, or work with children. Helping others improve their lives benefits both the giver and the receiver. And that’s fun for everyone involved.
- Seize the opportunity to make everyday events fun-loving rituals that recognize individuals and incorporate the entire community into the fun. The most obvious occasions are birthdays, milestones, and achievements. Pat Bush, President of Bush Integrated, describes one of their fun rituals. “Whenever it’s someone’s birthday we make cupcakes and gather in the break room in the afternoon and sing Happy Birthday to that person. It makes them feel special. The newest person in the group has to start the song.”
- “For me, fun is happiness shared. Thomas Jefferson said that the pursuit of happiness is a God-given right, something we celebrate every Fourth of July. The United Nations has declared March 20th to be the International Day of Happiness. It’s when we share our happiness with others, that we experience the ripple of reciprocal acts of happiness. And that’s what I call fun.”
— Leslie Yerkes, author, “Fun Works”
- Be a role model of fun be encouraging others to engage in fun-loving activities. Recognize and support the efforts of others to create fun.
- Take risks. Don’t be afraid to appear silly.
- Give gifts that stimulate fun and spontaneity.
“Remind yourself that the simplest things in life yield the greatest dividends.”
—Bryan E. Robinson, Ph.D.
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