Facilitating encompasses a variety of techniques, methodologies, and best practices. Depending on your needs — and your wants — we employ seven systems on a regular basis.
Below is a brief overview of each — what it is, what it does, and what results you can expect. No amount of explanation here will be sufficient for you to determine in advance what you might need. That decision is a natural outcome of our mutual discussions.
World Cafe
Emotional Intelligence

- Managerial Assessment of Proficiency (MAP), a video-based, computer-scored analysis of a manager’s strengths and developmental needs on 12 competencies plus 10 values/traits.
- Managing to EXCEL, 12 half-day workshops with videocassettes, workbooks, and instructor guidelines. Also used as self-study modules — 90 minutes each.
- Perspectives: a 360-Degree Feedback Exercise. This multi-rater assessment evaluates 12 managerial competencies, resulting in a bar graph profile and 4-page report on each person assessed.
- Also deep experience with a full complement of the most respected assessments (MBTI, DiSC and Emotional Competency Inventory) and many more used for hiring, coaching and team development.
- Assessment of Competencies and Traits (ACT), a video-based, computer-scored team-building analysis for members of a work group. Includes elements on TQM and customer service.
- TEAMS, a collection of ten half-day workshops to be run by your instructor or team facilitators for their work groups. Includes videos, exercises, binders, and instructor guidelines.
- Trainer’s Assessment of Proficiency (TAP), a video-based assessment of 12 instructional competencies with guidelines for improvement.
- Train-the-Trainer Workshops, both public and in-company, on design and delivery. Includes videos and workbooks for self-study.
In honor of our 25th Anniversary, January, 2010
Future Search
Appreciative Inquiry
Horse Sense

For more than 20 years, Vocon has looked to Leslie’s expertise as facilitator, advisor, coach and partner. She has helped us navigate various stages of growth and evolution, as that of a firm of 20 people into a multi-location organization with over 130 people. Leslie has motivated, inspired and challenged us to reach high while insisting that we safeguard who we are at our core, maintaining our very special culture.
With Leslie we have learned the value of setting a goal and taking action, requiring us to be better.
We are grateful for her years of friendship and commitment to Vocon.
Leslie has a distinctive approach that is firmly rooted in positive. Her technique and her open and appealing demeanor provide interactive and engaging sessions — even skeptics are swept up in the excitement!
Leslie is an extraordinary facilitator.
My Cell Phone
Contact Leslie for Facilitating Information
Our goal is to exceed your expectations. In the unlikely event you feel that the gains are not commensurate with the time and resources expended, we will continue the project at no further cost until you are completely satisfied. We offer this guarantee because we don’t want you to worry about our work when you have real issues with which to contend.