“In the night full of pain and darkness be a candle spreading light until the dawn.”
~ Rumi
This is a time to go within and develop yourself. We each have gifts that are relevant for this current challenge. Some formative events in your life have contributed to your being ready for what is needed for this moment.
Aaron posing questions gave me the opportunity to go within, reflect, and rediscover what I can use that I already know, and what will be helpful to navigating the complexity of our current state.
Here is what his questions pulled out of me:
Q | How is this situation different than previously challenging economic times?
A |The biggest difference is that this current situation threatens our health. We are talking life and death, balancing the outcomes upon our actions, judgement and inaction. It is one of the most serious threats of my career. I am taking it seriously, but remain light in my attitude and approach to how I respond. I find the humor of the moment uplifting and love the memes appearing in my social media. I am maintaining connections and supporting a few seniors who cannot support themselves. I am accepting offers of help too. I am hopeful and attached to working the future while responding the immediacy of each moment.
Q | How is the role of your company changed?
A | I am approaching this event with the same operating principles that guided me through previous natural disasters, economic downturns, terrorist events, and life challenges. I take responsibility for what I can. I remain generous and abundant. I will support my clients even if there is no remuneration. I will find ways to contribute. I will stretch, learn, and adapt. I will find gratitude in every challenge. I will let people know how much I care and appreciate them. I will move things forward that can return value into the future. I will take risks but not with anyone’s well-being. I will challenge the status quo and support movement that is positive, contributing, and responsible. I will speak truth to power and confront dangerous behavior. I will strive to find the common ground for all of us to stand together. I will take inspiration from nature, books, art, music, food, and friendship. I will honor the experiences of the past and bring tribal wisdom into the situation. I will live each day, even if death resides around me.
Q | What is the role of your company today?
A | For many summers I have studied with Margaret Wheatley, author of ‘Leadership and the New Science’ who, for the last five years, has spoken about collapse. Using science and history, she anticipated the collapse of all of our systems (financial, political, social, organizational, and environmental). She wanted us to understand the nature of collapse and complexity, to prepare for how people might react to the collapse, and to cultivate the leadership that would be needed for the moment. She called it being ‘Warriors for the Human Spirit’. She suggested that our leadership would need to include the competencies of hospice — helping individuals to mourn, let go, feel, and move forward. Also, to bring the competencies of midwifery to the world — being able to birth a new start into an unknown. She poo-pooed hope-without-honesty as not leader-like. She believes that faith will be the stronger guide. Faith in personal abilities, faith in the goodness of mankind, faith in our collective ability to adapt and care for each other. Faith that we will rise.
We are good in a crisis. We can put our lesser differences aside and collectively focus on what will see us through, into a better future. I studying with Meg, I developed an approach to capture her call to actions. I call it ‘Lighthouse Leadership’.
“Your speed doesn’t matter. Forward is forward.”
~ Zig Ziglar
In a time of tumult and organizational, societal, and environmental collapse — when structures are dying and leaders need to hospice the decline of systems and ways of working, while midwifing the birth of new organizations – leadership is required that is not just about competence but steeped in character and spiritual fortitude.
This is Lighthouse Leadership
• Dedicated to guiding safely
• Standing firmly on the front edge of the change
• Unwavering against the barrage of storms of change
• Constant in the shining of light into the dark of uncertainty
Our environment requires us to find new maps for our work. The challenges we will grapple with are too complex for a single heroic leader. They need many hearts, minds, and hands working together to discern and courageously try new things.
The principles that guide a Lighthouse Leader are:
• There are no fixes or fixers. The need is for competent facilitation.
• Fixing concerns the old maps and represents ego.
• Facilitating co-creates new maps and is humble and inclusive in action.
Be the light that helps others to see. Be the leaders that forge new futures.
Friends, stay safe, be well, and be kind. I stand with you and for you.
And, thanks to Aaron for turning the tables on me and creating a very fruitful reflection.
I feel energized by the need to find a way to contribute,
guide, and co-create a future that lies beyond this crisis.